Team Kenya 2013: July 25, 2013 - August 3, 2013

Monday, September 24, 2012

Worship day.  Devotion and prayer got our day off to a fabulous start.  It was beautiful and we were really excited.  So we loaded the bus and headed out.  BUT, did not get far.  We were stopped at a police checkpoint before even getting out of town.  The police here are very corrupt (most of the government is).  It was a female officer and long story short, she commandered our vehicle for bad tires.  The officer took is to the police station by boarding the van and directing us.  This , of course, was after wanting a 3000 shilling fine on the spot or a 1000 shilling bribe to let us go.  Kudos to David Muchai and Patrick for saying no and standing their ground.  While at the police station, in typical New Hope fashion, we went ahead and started church.  We had praise and worship, scripture, and prayer rigt there in the back police yard.  There were quite a few onlookers, let me tell you.  Long story shortened, David refused to pay the fine because there was nothing wrong with the tires.  We were detained for some time as the attempted to 'make us' do what they wanted.  But soon, we were back on out way.  A little late to church but they saved plenty for us.

Our team of 10 was divided into 3 groups to attend 3 different churches.  We were prepared for anything as we had been told that it was custom for the guests to do something....sing, speak, read scripture.  New Hope can be happy that we all represented well.  All of the above were done.  Everyone had a fabulous time.  The worship was beautiful and pure.  Can I tell you, this was New Hope Kenya from beginning to end.  The welcome, the music and dancing, and the word.  I can't wait to come back.

Let's back up just a little.  We were asked just before leaving the US if we were willing to make a little change to our plans for Sunday.  The village wanted to have an afternoon crusade, where all the churches would meet at a central location and have 'church' again, together.  There were music and drums and preaching.  Even our illustrious Dave Brown gave a rock solid message.  The children all latched on to us and worshipped right alongside.  There is nothing like the hunger of these children for our company and our relationships.

Once again, we had to cut out and run for the lower elevation as the rain moved in quickly.  We had already gotten tons of rain during the regular worship time and the roa9ds were only going to get much worse.  I cannot relay to anyone how the roads are here.  You just have to come and experience the roller coaster of Kenya for yourself.  Off to rest and refresh we went.  Back down the mountain.

Dinner and debrief, then bed.  Exhausted again but very full of emotions and spiritual wakefulness.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great hearing about all the adventures! Keep 'em coming.