Team Kenya 2013: July 25, 2013 - August 3, 2013

Monday, January 23, 2012

January 2012 Haiti Travel Team A Members and Their Prayer Requests

Friday (January 27) – Thursday (February 2)

Allison Adler (Age 28)

Dear God…
I pray for safe travels throughout the trip;
I pray for the people of Haiti, and that they may come to know you;
I pray that I will be able to communicate to our Haitian friends through you;
I pray that you will be at the center of the relationships we form with our Haitian friends and each other;
I pray that I will be open to the experiences you have for me;
I pray that I am able to offer my whole self to our Haitian friends, and my team members;
I pray that I will find peace in your word; and
I pray that upon returning from Haiti, I will remain focused on you, the love you have for me, and sharing that with others.


Steve Adler (Age 30)

Prayer Requests…
I pray that God’s word, love and grace will consume me, allowing my heart to be softened and my mind and body to be strengthened so that I may be a faithful, compassionate and humble servant during this life changing opportunity and each and every day of my life.
I pray that my thoughts, words and actions (with all those I cross paths with) will exude the love that God has shown me and continues to show me each and every day.
I pray that I seek and take refuge in God’s strength in order to overcome my anxieties, fears and insecurities, so that I may take joy in each experience and fully utilize my God-given abilities to further God’s kingdom.
I pray that I will build God centered relationships and make a positive impact in the lives of my team members and our Haitian brothers and sisters (as I know they will impact my life).
I pray for the safety and health of all those on this trip.


Dave Brown (Age 46)
(Haiti 2012 Team Father)

Father, I bring before You my dear friend and brother, Dave…
          May he KNOW that You love Him, and may he experience the power and meaning of Your Son’s death and resurrection in every aspect of His life.
          May he have Your Heart beating within His very own, and may he see and think about things the way You See and Think about them.  Oh that he might feel Your Heart and live from the Deep Places of joy and sorrow that reside Therein, and, oh, too, that he might have the Mind of Your Son and live, serve, and give of himself wisely and selflessly to all those who need him.
          May he, as he has prayed so very often, walk before You in holiness, humility, and purity all the days of his life, and may he, indeed, live a simple, open, and ordinary life inspired by a great love for You and for others and by an insatiable enthusiasm for life and for everything that has life.
          May he be a missional conduit of Your loving-kindness, joy, compassion, and equanimity to all those within the realm of his influence and existence.
          Use Him, Lord, to extend Your kingdom; use him, also, to hallow Your Name.  Listen, write, and express Who You Are through him, Lord, and enable Him, oh God, to inspire those around him to dream and to pursue their dreams.  May he be used of You to bring physical and living water to the thirsty…whomever and wherever they might be.
          Place a hedge of thorns around his heart, soul, mind, and body, and please protect him from the attacks and assaults of his enemies.  Rise up, oh God, and defend him.  Come quickly to his aid, and rescue him from the fowler’s snare, for Thou Art his Refuge and Ever-Present Help in times of difficulty and trouble.
          May the both of you forever enjoy the times you get to spend together, and may each breath Dave takes be of, for, and all about You.
          And, last but not least, oh God…may Dave continue to find in You his greatest pleasure and satisfaction in life, and may the peace and humble joy that arises from such things spill over liberally, gracefully, and unashamedly into me and into all those around Dave who love him so much.
          For it is in the blessed and hallowed Name of Jesus that I ask of You these very things,


Brooke Hames (Age 28)

Prayer Requests…
I pray for my heart to be receptive to the changes Christ wants to take place in my life surrounding this amazing opportunity.
I pray that we will be able to help, and not hinder, the community we will be serving.
I pray for safety and health during our stay in Haiti.
I pray for the relationships among our team, that they would be God ordained.  I also pray for those relationships and bonds we will be making with the Haitian community.
I pray for peace, joy, and compassion amidst experiences that may be heart breaking.
I pray that I will be a servant and will be used just exactly as the Lord wills.

Ryan Haushalter  (Age 29)

Please pray…
That I and the team will be servants and to be used exactly how the Lord wants;
That my heart will be receptive to the changes in my life that Christ is trying to make;
For safety and good health for the Haiti Travel Team; and
For the relationships we will make with the Haitian community


Leah MacMillan
Sister of Drake Triplett and Travel Team A Trip Co-Leader (with Ramsay MacMillan)

Prayer Requests…
Protection for me and my family that will be on the ground in Haiti with me.
Guidance for my husband, Ramsay, and myself to know where it is God is leading us to serve orphans.  We currently are unsure if that is to continue on short term missions trips, move to Haiti for a longer period of time, foster parent or adopt.
Thank you so much for your blessing of prayer.


Ramsay MacMillan
Travel Team A Trip Co-Leader (with Leah MacMillan)

I’d like prayer…
For my fear of flying, for peace and ease during the flights;
For safety the duration of the trip;
For an open heart toward the people I will be interacting with, both my team members and the Haitians; and
For God show me the good that I am doing. 


Kimberly Murdoch (Age 26)

Prayer Requests…
I pray for an open mind and heart while learning from the people of Haiti.
I pray for safe travels to and from Haiti and a safe, healthy stay for all.
I pray for building new relationships with the group members and the people we meet along the way.
I pray for peace and comfort in times of uncertainty during this new experience.
I pray for courage, strength and patience to help me best serve the community.


April Oldenburgh (Age 35)

Prayer Requests…
Health and safety throughout the trip;
That we will work well as a team;
That we will show God’s love and grace to everyone around us, including each other; and
That God prepare our hearts for what’s to come.


Necie Page (Age 27)

Prayer Requests…
          I pray that God would continue to prepare the hearts of each team member, the children’s hearts and the heart of each person we will encounter.
I pray that everything thing we do, every breath we take and every word we speak, will be in step with God’s will and all for His Glory.
          I pray that as the children and people of Haiti look at us, they will only see Jesus’ love.  May they accept His love; may they will embrace His love.
I pray for the very souls of the people of Haiti. May their eyes be opened to the Way, the Truth and the Life.  May God rebuild this nation, strengthen its people and have His way in this nation.
          May He break our hearts only to remold them with His perfect hands.
May unity be prevalent amongst the team and lifelong friendships be formed.
May God place a hedge of protection around the team; in travel, in health, in spiritual warfare.  Lastly, please take care of the home front; our children and our families while we are in Haiti being God’s very hands and feet.
John 3:30 “He must become greater; I must become less”.


Drake Triplett (Age 17)
Brother of Leah MacMillan

Prayer Requests…
That all of us will be healthy and safe throughout the duration of the trip;
That I might experience God in a new way; and
That I will enjoy my time in Haiti, enjoy my teammates, and enjoy the people of Haiti.

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