Team Kenya 2013: July 25, 2013 - August 3, 2013

Monday, April 29, 2013

Sunday, Day Three, 28 Apr

Sunday (Day Three), 28 Apr

Hey everyone...

We just got back from attending church at UCI (United Christian International), which is pastored by Pastor Jean-jean and his wife Christy.  Jean-jean is Haitian, and Christy is from Iowa.  Jean-jean and Christy met years ago, went to Trinity Seminary in Indiana, and then moved back to Bohoc to start UCI in 2005.  Since 2005, they've built a church congregation, an elementary school, and, just last year, opened a university.  The university offers four-year degree programs in agriculture, education/teaching, and pastoral ministry.  It's very interesting to note that the UCI property was once a central hub for Haitian Voodoo practice here in Bohoc.

In a little while, we're going to eat lunch and then do some home visits, where we get to talk with and pray for members of the Bohoc community.  For those of you who've never been on a newhope trip before, the home visit end up being some of the most meaningful parts of the trip.

Okay...I'm going to sign-off for a while, take a little down-time, and eat lunch with the team.

M'ap grangou poo Bondye m' (Hungering for God),


29 Apr, 441a...

Again, even though it's the next day, I'd like to finish writing a little about what took place yesterday.  Provided below is a recap of yesterday's home visits.  As you read through these, will you please pray for these dear folks?  Thanks!

Madam Delise

Things began at the home of Madam Delise.  Mrs. Delise, who's been like a second mom to Ronald, began getting sick shortly after the death of her husband.  Her illness manifests itself in great pain and in the swelling of her body, especially her legs.  As most of her pain is in her legs, we were told that she cannot stand.   She's seen several doctors, but no one has been able to help her.  Several months ago, she underwent a procedure, wherein she had fluid taken out of her lungs.  It's interesting to note that, right after we prayed for her, and just as we were getting on the bus to leave, Madam Delise got up out of her bed and walked out onto the front porch of her house.

After leaving Madam Delise's home, and upon arriving in another part of the village, we split into two teams, one led by Ronald, and the other led by Jedlain.  In reporting on these visits, I'll begin with those led by Ronald and end with those led by Jedlain.

Ronald's Team...

Mr. Adimah

Mr. Adimah is 104 years old and loves God very much.  He's an elder in his church, and he used to be a preacher of the gospel.  While I don't know the back story, we were told that, earlier in life, Adimah had been blind, but that now he can see.  We also learned that, years ago, Adimah fell from a ladder and seriously injured his chest and shoulders.  We were told that his injuries have caused him a lot of problems since then.  When asked, "What would you like from God?" Adimah said that, while he'd like to preach the gospel again, he no longer has the strength to do so.  He said something to the effect of, "My job now is to just lay in bed and wait for God to come take me home.  And that's what I want:  To go home."  And so we prayed that God would come and take him home.  It's funny, but when Madam Adimah came into the house, we asked her, too, what she wanted.  She said, "Pray for my husband, and pray for me, too, that God will give me the strength and courage to be with him!"

Sportive Union LaJeune (the Professional Soccer Team of Bohoc)

Soccer is extremely important to the Haitians; it's their national sport--much the way rugby is for South Africa and hockey is for Russia.  Anyway, LaJeune had a very important game later that afternoon, so we prayed over the entire team.  We asked that God would give them strength and courage as they played, that He protect them and the members of Lazeen (the other team), and that he'd let LaJeuene win.  (As a side note, I wish to point out that the game between LaJeune and Lazeen, which we all attended late yesterday afternoon, was probably one of the most exciting sporting events many of us had ever witnessed.  I wish to point out, too, that LaJeune won (1-0) with a last second head from a left-side corner kick.  It was so much fun watching the Haitians celebrate their victory.  It will be an event to be remembered.)  Regarding our asking God for a LaJeune victory, all I have to say is this:  If you don't ask for what you want, you'll probably rarely get what you want.

Mr. Lanjou

Mr. Lanjou is 75 years old and a leader in his church (Maranatha Church, which we've visited before on previous trips).  Mr. Lanjou has five children (all, of which, are married) and six grandchildren.  Throughout his life, he's made a lot of efforts to serve God.  "My hope is in no one else," he said.  When asked what he would like, Mr. Lanjou said, "I'm moving forward into my 80s, and I wish to keep serving God until he comes for me and my family.  Pray for my wife as she suffers from high blood pleasure and from blindness in one eye.  Please ask God to heal her eye, and ask God, too, to enable all my children and grandchildren to follow the path taught to them."

Mr. and Madam Fucien

Mr. Fucien, whose wife is Jedlain's sister, asked for "the wisdom of Solomon."

Mr. Spuadge

Mr. Spuadge has been crippled and, essentially, confined to a chair, since he was a child.  His only way of getting around is crawling.  He asked for something to help with his mobility.  We prayed that God would enable him to walk and that, in the meantime, provide him with a means to be more mobile.

Jedlain's team...

Madam Elise

Madam Elise asked for prayer for her daughter who's in the hospital with typhoid.

Madam Bebe

Madam Bebe (our bus driver's grandmother) asked for prayer for the two motherless and fatherless babies she's now taking care of (Sebastien and Mario).  She also asked for prayer for her son who's at the university but has no money.

Madam Ennis

Madam Ennis, who is Jedlain's aunt (and like a second mother to him) indicated that her family has had many problems.  She asked us to ask God to protect them from further calamity.  She also indicated that there's a brand new baby girl, Chrisca, in their family, and she asked for prayers for Chrisca's safety and protection, and that she might grow up to be a strong Christian woman someday.

Jerrome Greffard

Jerrome, who is Jedlain's dad and the vice president of the Bohoc Leadership Council, asked for God to give him power and strength to stay young so that he can help his community.  Jerrome's wife died about three years ago, and now his daughters take care of him.  Regarding this, he asked for great love to shared within their family as they live together.

Madam Louise

Madam Louise asked for prayer for her son, Bekan, who's been sick since birth, can't walk, and can't go to school.  She asked also for prayer for her husband, who had an accident and lost his eye while taking care of their animals.  He said life's difficult enough with two eyes, and that with only one it's even worse.  They also requested prayers for their daughter, Rose Carman.  Madam Louise asked for prayers for herself as she works to teach the gospel and train others in how to care for families to women in the community.  She asked also for prayer that she would stay faithful to the Lord.

Madam Samblou

Madam Samblou asked for prayer for all her children that they would develop a genuine fear of God and grow-up in Christ.  She also requested prayer that her children would do well on their national tests in school.

Madam Diorogene

Madam Diorogene asked that we ask God to keep  her family close to Him, that He would protect them, and that He would help them to become a true Christian family.  She asked also for us to ask God to help her find another nursing job.  She spoke also of a little girl in their family whose mother cannot nurse her, and asked that we ask God for more money for them to buy formula.

Okay...I'm going to go hang out with the team for a little while, grab some coffee, and wait for breakfast.

More later,


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