Our breakfast consisted of oatmeal, hard-boiled eggs, bananas, & toast. Devotions were presented by Ramsey & Carson. We were all challenged to use our senses today as we spent "A day on the life of an Haitian". As previously mentioned by Reah, we have been truly blessed by the Haitians. Today was no exception.
At 8:30 we took the bus to Bohoc to visit some Haitian families. We divided into 2 groups, one group led by Jedlain, the other by Diranot. Each group visited about 8 homes. Every Madame of the house was glad to have us visit. While their homes are very small & modest, the houses are clean & well-kept. Tin roofs, no screens or window panes yet comfortable. Most homes have 6 plus living there, children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, orphans, etc. Several women were widows. They all asked for prayer, mostly for the young that they will be able to get an education. Despite their circumstances, they have a great love for Jesus Christ, true believers that He will provide for their needs. Refreshing to experience.
After visitation we took the bus to the open air market. The market is open every Monday. Livestock & poultry are there for purchase as well as fresh vegetables. The place was packed with people. It was quite an experience.
We headed back about 11:00. Lunch consisted of goat, rice, some kind of sauce for it & black bean soup. I personally didn't eat goat but those who did said it was good.
After lunch, the local children had returned from school so we went out to play with them. They are a joy!
We loaded the bus around to 2:30 to go back to Bohoc. We were meeting the children at the Kris Sel Espwa school. We made a stop at Madame Jacque's home where some of the Bohoc children we know sang a few songs for us. Precious!!! We then did the "Christian" hokey pokey with them. A wonderful time for sure. We walked over to the school with the children for playtime. Everything from boomerang, frisbee, bracelet-making, nail painting, picture taking, reading, to just running around. Most of all & importantly making friends who hopefully we will see again. They have so much love and appreciation for the interaction we have with them. It is amazing just to sit back & see God at work!
We returned around 5:30, played with the local children til supper. We had a quiche/pizza entree, yucca root & the best hot chocolate ever!!! We finished the night with our debriefing. We shared our "senses", some tears were shed, but all of us are abundantly blessed.
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