Team Kenya 2013: July 25, 2013 - August 3, 2013

Monday, July 29, 2013

Crayons, Water, and Zebras!

Hello again!

   Today the team and I had a fantastic time at the village again. On our ride up to the community, we saw two zebras out in a field we were driving by! They were a bit too far off to get any good pictures, but they were really cool to see for the first time. When we arrived to the village, we split up into two groups - one to stay at the primary school to do an activity with the youngest kids, and the other group to go work on the village's water source. My dad, Amanda, and Dusti and I stayed at the school to work with the kids. We brought along coloring books and crayons for them to color with. They spent the entire time that afternoon coloring a single coloring sheet! They are the most well behaved little ones I have ever met! It was really neat to learn all of their names and to get to know them and their different personalities. 

  The other group hiked into the forest up a little ways on the mountain to the community's water source where they were going to lay pipe down. This piping would eventually bring water access to the school and surrounding area once the pipes were all connected. I snapped a few shots of Dana and Stephen as they were carrying the huge pipes! 

  When we had finished at the community, we took the bus up a mountain to hopefully spot some elephants. Although we did not find any, we saw places where they had broken down trees and foliage in the process of eating/fighting with other elephants/walking. We did see some really cool monkeys though! Today has gone very well; everyone is really enjoying their time spent with the kids in the community. I could 
definitely come back to Kiria again!! 


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Overjoyed to hear team members working with the community laying pipes for Kirias clean water! Glad to read the weather has been good for you and you are able to ride the bus up the Aberdare Mnt!!