Team Kenya 2013: July 25, 2013 - August 3, 2013

Saturday, January 28, 2012

28 Jan...1:20p

Greetings, everyone!

After breakfast, Steve led our first team devotion of the week with a focus on being the body, using the gifts we have, and encouraging others to use theirs.  the biblical references he drew from were 1 Peter 4:10 and Romans 12:4-8.

This morning's activities focused on touring the village of Bohoc.  Edwin, Tompy's brother (of course!) was our driver, and we were also joined by Jedlain, an agricultural specialist, and Jarome Geffard, who is on the Bohoc Leadership Council.

Our first stop allowed us the opportunity to meet a man named Jordany, who is a voodoo witch doctor.  Jordany, who is quite young and about as pleasant as can be, appears to be attracted to Christianity but has not yet made the decision to put his faith in Jesus.  Ronald (our 410 Bridge Haitian Leader) continues to bring teams by to see this man in the hopes that the more exposure Jordany has to Christians the more likely he will to see the beauty of Jesus and make THE decision to follow Him.

Next we stopped at three different homes and prayed with three widows:  Lucienne Victor, who suffered a stroke and who has difficulty with her entire right side; Sorina Victor (Lucienne's sister); and Madam Delius (who has been like a mother to Ronald), who fell and had to stay in the hospital for 18 days.  What a blessing it was to pray for these three matriarchs of the community!

After our home visits, we went to see the Brethren Church building project.  For those who don't know, the April 2011 team worked for a day alongside the community on the church building.  In a nutshell, what we did last spring was play with tarantulas (well, Ramsay did), help move a large pile of stone from one location to another, and just have a blast with each other and our Haitian friends.  The stone we moved was used in the foundation for the building.  This morning, it was amazing to see how much progress has been made since last April.  I promise to begin uploading some photos of the trip this evening; when I do, I'll make sure to try to include one of the church building.

I need to sign out now as we're heading out to play with the kids at the Matthew 28 Orphange.  I'll write later about that as well as our visits this morning to the many elements of the Bohoc water project.

Bendi bene ou!  (God bless you!)

Dave (On Behalf of Team Haiti 2012)

James 1:27:  Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this:  To look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

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