Team Kenya 2013: July 25, 2013 - August 3, 2013

Saturday, April 21, 2012

21 Apr...2:59p


This morning began wonderfully with breakfast and Connie's devotion, which took place out under the mango tree, on God's rending of the veil.  After devotions, we loaded up and headed for Bohoc.

The drive today was fabulous!  For those of you who've never been to a mountainous, tropical environment, it's difficult to convey just how beautiful this country is.  About all I have to say about that is this:  "All'y'all are just going to have to come join us sometime."  BTW...Speaking of future missions trips, if you go to the Hope Mission/International (HMI) table in Higher Grounds at newhope central, you'll find a tentative schedule for HMI trips in 2013.  If you want me to e-mail you one, just send me an e-mail request at

think it took us about three-and-a-half hours to make the trip from PaP to Bohoc.  Only one of us got a little motion sick.  After this person took some Dramamine and was handed a coke that Ronald aquired for her, it was amazing how many members of the team all of the sudden felt sick.  (!!)  Man, the lengths some people will go to score colored sugar water!  As PBK might say, "Those people need some Jesus!  I'm just sayin'..."

Anyway, at about the two-thirds point, we stopped at someone's home in Henche to use the bathroom.  Denise turned around and asked me if I knew who's home it was.  I said, "I have no idea.  But the owner is probably related to Tompy in some way."  A few minutes later, I was informed that the home was indeed owned by Mary, who is (of course!) one of Tompy's cousins.

At around 1:30p, we pulled in to the village of Bohoc and stopped near the town square at the home of one of the members of the Bohoc Leadership Council (BLC).  It was nice to see Jedlain again as well as Tompy's brother, Edwin.  Pastor Isaac was there and so was Adias, the new BLC President.  While he's still a member of the BLC, Pastor Jean-Claude (JC) stepped down as the BLC president due to his extremely busy schedule.  (Such is the case for many pastors in Haiti; they work like almost no one else.)  In fact, the teams from newhope church have yet to meet Pastor JC.

We got to the Haiti Outreach Guest House (HOGH) in Pignon about an hour ago, and I think dinner is just about ready.  As such, I'm going to signoff for now.  BTW...if you have google earth, you can see the airfield in Pignon; the HOGH is located on the northwest side of the grassed air strip.

God's blessings on all'y'all!  And thanks, too, for holding us up with your prayers!!!!!!!!!!

On Behalf of Team Haiti 2012/April

PS...For those of you wondering, I think all the e-mail server connections in this part of Haiti are not working at this time.  Hopefully, they'll be up and working later.  Peace...

The Lord has appeared to us from afar, saying, 'I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.'--Jeremiah 31:3

1 comment:

Necie said...

So glad to hear the the drive was wonderful! Love that you had a pit-stop at the house of Tompy's family member :) That had me cracking up!