Team Kenya 2013: July 25, 2013 - August 3, 2013

Thursday, April 26, 2012

25 Apr...7:15p

Hey Everyone...

The afternoon began with attending the souvenir market in the town square.  The market can be quite a site, as it involves about 50 different women peddling their wares (jewelry, art work, clothing, book marks, writing cards, metal works, wood carvings, machetes, etc.) and all just for us.  However, I must write that the 5:1 ratio (ummm...5 community women to each team member) and that almost everything each woman had for sale was similar to what every other woman had for sale and that the Haitians love to negotiate and that each woman knew that each of us brought money just for this event did create a situation that was a little intimidating.  Based on what I saw, though, it seems that the whole team rose to the occasion and had a lot of fun despite the discomfort we might have felt.

After the market, we deviated from the schedule and, instead of heading to Kris El Espwa, went to Pastor Isaac's church, The Church of God, to play with about 40 children.  Our time with the children began with teaching them Connie's Christianized version of The Hokey Pokey.  After that, we headed out to a very muddy construction site (the site for the church's new church building [they're meeting in a tent now]) to play soccer, throw the football, toss the frisbee, jump rope, paint nails, blow bubbles, etc.  We all had a lot of fun with the kids and didn't seem to mind at all getting really dirty.  :o)

After dinner tonight, the Bohoc Leadership Council came out to the guest house to share the evening with us.  I'm not going to write about that tonight, though; please look for a summary of that in the next day or so...


On behalf of Team Haiti 2012/April

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