Team Kenya 2013: July 25, 2013 - August 3, 2013

Saturday, April 21, 2012

22 Apr...2:21a

Good morning, everyone!

It would appear that our internet connection is back up and running.  I'll post again later this morning when the sun comes up.  Right now, though, I can hear God milling about upstairs, and I want to be ready to hang out with Him when He comes down.  While I'm waiting for Him, I'd like to tell you that it's a really cool thing to get up very early, take a cool shower, and then be able to soke in the pleasure of God's company out under the stars.  Because it's soooo dark here in this part of Haiti, the stars are always so vibrantly brilliant (unless it's overcast).  This is one of the few places in the world where I've been able to consistently see the milky way really clearly.

Oh that you might find in Jesus your greatest joy and satisfaction in life!!  There's nothing in all creation like having and enjoying Him.  I love what John Piper writes in his seminal work, Desiring God...I believe that God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him.

May God's blessings on all of you in this moment, and may you enjoy Him and His people today,


The Lord directs the steps of the righteous.  He delights in every detail of their lives. -- Proverbs

BTW...It's really funny to experience God first thing in the morning with His Hair all mussed and before He's had His first cup of coffee.  :o)

Oh...and this is for Team Haiti 2012/January...the roosters are up and at it and wondering where all'y'all are.  :o)  CU...


ali814 said...

Tell the roosters I'm ready with machete in hand! :) In all seriousness, Steve and I are praying for you and our brothers and sisters in Haiti. Have fun!! Bondje beni ou!

-Allison & Steve

Necie said...

Haha!! Tell the Roosters I said hello :)

Would you possibly be able to record them (audio) and send it to me via text when you return to the States? I have been wanting that as my alarm :) So serious!